When You Should Call an Exterminator for Roaches

Interior / Exterior Household Pest Control Services | 0 comments

One bug that everyone hates is the roach. A homeowner in Florida, or anywhere else for that matter, doesn’t want to see this pest crawling across the kitchen floor. The following are a few signs telling you it may be time to call your exterminator.

A big roach infestation is going to produce an odor. Most of the people who detect this odor think it smells unpleasant and musty. By the time people smell something like this, the infestation has gotten pretty bad. You want to call your exterminator to get rid of these bugs once and for all.

Hopefully, some of these signs make it easier for you to call your local exterminator in Florida so that you can reclaim your home. These insects don’t belong there, and your pest specialist will make sure of that.                       

When You Should Call an Exterminator for Roaches?

One bug that everyone hates is the roach. A homeowner in Florida, or anywhere else for that matter, doesn’t want to see this pest crawling across the kitchen floor. The following are a few signs telling you it may be time to call your exterminator.


One sign there might be a problem to address as soon as possible is roach droppings. These types of droppings have a black dust appearance that you’ll constantly see all over the place. You might clean up one day and end up seeing a little more the next day. In the beginning, some of these droppings might be easy to miss, but it’ll get worse as the infestation gets bigger. Try to pay attention as you clean up, just in case this sign is already there.

Skin Shedding

You’ll definitely want to call Shoreline Pest Solutions and our specialists if you notice any insect skin shedding around your home. A roach will shed its skin a few times during its lifecycle, so if your problem is already out of hand, you’ll notice shedding in a number of places in your home. Normally, you’ll find these in places where roaches like to hide like in cabinets and dark corners of your home. Pay close attention to these areas just in case.

Smear Marks

Roaches can sometimes leave behind small smear marks. Most of the time, these smear marks look light or dark brown. You’ll probably find the marks on your walls or floors. It’s going to look pretty disgusting even more so now that you’re thinking they’ve crawled over your utensils or kitchen counter. Sure, there may be some in the cabinets, but if your cabinets are dark, then it’ll be hard to spot these marks. You’ll see more marks as the infestation grows.

Egg Capsules

A roach gives birth to a lot of babies, and they do this fast. This insect uses eggs to give birth, and when the egg hatches, the remains are left behind. The eggs look like small capsules. They usually appear relatively light in color. By the time you see these remains, the roaches already hatched and are in your house. If you see these around your home, you’ve got an issue that needs to be fixed.


These insects can cause some damage and not just to the things you already thought about. Look for damage to your leather goods or other organic material like books. It probably won’t look like a lot of damage, but if you pay attention, you’ll see it. Of course, they’ll also attack food packages trying to get to your food. It’s going to be hard to leave any food out, and that’s no way to live in your own home.


A big roach infestation is going to produce an odor. Most of the people who detect this odor think it smells unpleasant and musty. By the time people smell something like this, the infestation has gotten pretty bad. You want to call your exterminator to get rid of these bugs once and for all.

Hopefully, some of these signs make it easier for you to call Shoreline Pest Solutions in Florida so that you can reclaim your home. These insects don’t belong there, and your pest specialist will make sure of that.

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