Pests can be a real pain during a storm. They love to take advantage of wet conditions, and you can end up infiltrating your home if you don’t do something to stop them. After all, who wants bugs and critters coming into their home during or after a storm?

Pest control is always important during a storm, but it’s vital when there is imminent flooding. That’s because water can wash away insecticides and other chemicals used to control pests. The best way to prevent pests from coming into your home during a storm is to take the following precautions.

Here are some tips on how to keep pests away from your home during a storm:

 Assess & Repair Any Water Damage to Stop Termite and Ant Infiltrations

Water damage during a storm is highly likely, and unattended water damage post-storm can cause more trouble. In addition to the possibility of mold infestation, water damage can also be inviting for ants and termites

Termites have the nack to build colonies undetected, and with time, they can cause serious property structural damage. Ants are one of the most common insects that damage homes and businesses, so it is crucial to take preventative measures like sealing entry points, using ant traps, and controlling ants in their nests. Lastly, always be vigilant when weather conditions allow water infiltration into your home, leading to infestation by termites or ants. 

 Find a Pest Control Professional 

It can be hard to keep your home pest-free, especially if you are not familiar with the different types of insects that can damage it. Luckily, pest control professionals are here to help. By using proper pest control techniques, they can control these pests and protect your home from structural damage and your family from health issues. It is essential to have regular inspections done by a professional pest controller so that you can be proactive in protecting your home. Remember, prevention is always better than cure! 

 Remove standing water: 

Did you know that mosquitoes can lay thousands of eggs in just a cap full of water? Storms and flooding increase the possibility of standing water indoors and outdoors. An overlooked puddle in your backyard can create the perfect setting for mosquitoes to breed. Take the time to check under and around all bridges, culverts, pools, and birdbaths. Check for stray livestock water sources and ensure there are no breeding areas for mosquitoes inside or near your home. 

If you have stored your pet’s water and food bowls inside, check these areas for evidence of infestation. Ensure that there are none in high places like the inside of cabinets and behind furniture. Drain or remove any unused hoses and thoroughly inspect before and after the storm. 

 Throw away unwanted or tainted edibles

Did you know that rats can swim the distance (even a mile) to survive, find food, and start a colony? So, don’t think that floods and storms will discourage them from finding a way through to your house. On the contrary, flooding will force them to find places with plenty of food and warmth, which could be your home. 

Many individuals like to store some pet food or treats in the basement, garage, and attic during a storm. Unfortunately, keeping these items can be the perfect invitation for rats and other insect types. Check your home’s pantry, extra unfilled containers (such as paint cans), and unattended outdoor garbage bins before the storm starts so you can donate them instead of risking an infestation. Ensure not to leave leftover food on the kitchen counters or open indoor bins. 

 Inspect for structural damage

If your home has suffered structural damage, check for hidden raccoons and possums who live in attics or crawl spaces. They will often use broken ceiling tiles and rafters and puncture their skin to create small tears, allowing them to enter buildings through critical access points. These pests tend to move towards water sources where they can find shelter during a storm, like basements, bathrooms, closets, attics, etc. 

In a storm, be sure to take the necessary precautions by following the tips mentioned in this post. Make sure to identify and get rid of any insects that may be causing damage to your home. Also, keep an eye out for damage and report any issues you may notice to your local authorities. Hire a pest control service as they can use various methods to eliminate these pesky insects, including baiting, pest control spraying, and roofing shingles treatments. They will have all the necessary tools, equipment, and, more importantly, the expertise to handle the situation based on factors, including the type of pests, locality, and treatment options. 

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