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Termite Control
Rodents Trapping
Stopping rodents can be difficult anywhere, but the usual, mild Florida weather makes it just a bit harder than many other places. At Shoreline Environmental Pest Solutions, we are careful to plan around family, pets, and sensitive landscaping. We have many options...
Stopping Lawn Pest
Eliminating lawn pests is the best defense against their intrusion into a home. If the lawn and landscaping are hostile to the health of pests such as ants and other insects, not to mention rodents, then the chance of one gaining entry to your Florida home is...
Rodent Removal
A rodent infestation is one of the more common problems West Palm Beach homeowners face in our area and surrounding counties. Getting rid of them safely is a bit more difficult than just setting out some cheese and a mousetrap. With over 50 years of experience,...
Lake Worth Pest Control
Too many people look at Florida as the pest capital of the U.S. Yes, we have more problems with ants, cockroaches, and termites than many other states. That is not reflective of Lake Worth residents or anyone else; it is simply a matter of geography and temperature....
Subterranean And Drywood Termite Control By Professional
In South Florida, we deal primarily with two species of termites; Drywood and Subterranean. Shoreline Environmental Pest Solutions has been in the business of stopping termite infestations for over forty years and understands that each variety is a particular kind of...